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Research & SQMA

Editorial for the Special section on Operational Excellence and Quality Improvement in Sweden

This special issue highlights the historical development, the current state and the future challenges of QM and OPEX in Sweden, looking at dif...

Research & SQMA

Quality management as a means for micro-level sustainability development in organizations

The use of quality management (QM) to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) is a topic of growing interest in ac...

Research & SQMA

Leadership characteristics for implementation and sustainability of quality: an exploratory study and directions for further research

This qualitative study aims to explore the concept of organizational leadership in the context of Quality Management deployments across a va...

Research & SQMA

Sustainable Development through Quality Management: A Multiple-Case Study Analysis of Triumphs, Trials and Tribulations

In a highly competitive and globalised era, agile organizations proactively steer towards sustainability. This situation persuaded the organ...

Research & SQMA

Transcending compliance when managing environmental innovation - Organizational learning from six decades of change

The urgent need for a sustainable transition in society compels manufacturing companies to manage environmental innovation and circular econ...
