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CEO of SIQ is one of 5 quality profiles that Kvalitetsmagasinet highlights on Valentine's Day

Encountering the quality industry can hit you as hard as falling in love with a new partner. Kvalitetsmagasinet has asked five ...


SIQ believes in Swedish municipalities' desire to improve! Offer to 29 municipalities to use SIQ AInsikt

We are now inviting 29 municipalities to use our AI-based tool, AInsikt, to improve efficiency and quality in welfare

Research & SQMA

Navigating a changing world

In times of geopolitical uncertainty, energy crisis and sharp inflation rate fluctuations - while still feeling the effects...

Improvement tools

SIQ AInsikt - New tool in the work of SIQ Management model!

Support from AI in the work of SIQ Management model - working towards sustainable success.


Meet SIQ's industry network

We listen to the industry network on site at ABB