SIQ is committed to protecting your privacy. This policy explains what personal data SIQ collects and how this data is used. It also describes your rights towards us and how you can exercise your rights.

Policy and guidelines for the processing of personal data

As of May 25, 2018, Sweden and the rest of the EU have a new common legislation that, among other things, regulates how personal data may be processed. These rules mean that citizens will have more control over their data while the business community will benefit from the fact that the same rules will apply to all companies operating in the EU. SIQ has taken the necessary measures to ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the new legislation.

What information we collect

Information that you provide to us:

You may give us information about yourself directly or indirectly in several ways, for example when you send us an inquiry, subscribe to the SIQ newsletter, download something from our website, register for a conference or training course or apply to be an examiner for our award. But it may also be that we receive your personal data via your employer who may be a member of SIQ or who wants your organization to participate in one of our networks to develop its business.

The personal data you or your employer provide can be:

  • Personal and contact information - name, email address, mobile phone number, billing and delivery address, etc.
  • Social security number/date of birth - to be provided only when applying for an examiner, as SIQ strives for an age spread among examiners.

Information we collect about you:

When you use our services, such as downloading something from our website, registering for a conference or training course, applying to become an examiner, or when you and your employer express interest in participating in the award, we may collect the following information:


  • Personal and contact information - name, email address, mobile phone number, billing and delivery address, etc.
  • Information about goods/services you have purchased or downloaded.
  • Historical information - your downloads and participation in various SIQ activities.
  • Geographical information - your geographical location.
  • Pictures/photos/films and or audio recordings - SIQ photographs/films most events to be able to use for marketing purposes and to document the activities.

What do we do with your information?

SIQ use the personal data we receive to provide, perform and improve our services and products and to maintain our customer relationship with you. SIQ processes personal data for the following purposes based on the following legal bases:

Obligations towards you or your organization based on agreements/contracts:

  • Providing services and fulfilling our obligations to you and/or your organization based on agreements or contracts. This may include, for example, your organization's membership in SIQ, SIQ's network including research networks, examiner assignments or participation in awards.
  • To ensure that our services/products can be presented and delivered to you and your organization.
  • To confirm your identity and verify your personal and contact details.

Commitments based on legitimate interests:

  • For customer analysis and to be able to administer SIQ's services, including data analysis, testing, research and to keep statistics on developments in SIQ's field and the use of our services/products and how they are assessed by our customers.
  • For general business development and to improve our services, develop new products and features.
  • Photographs/films in connection with SIQ's events for marketing purposes and to document the activities.

Commitments based on consent:

  • In order for you to download the SIQ management model, manuals or certain other publications, you must provide certain personal data.
  • By providing the information we ask for, you give your consent that we can use the information to know if, for example, the model and the handbook are used, by which types of organizations and which executives have the greatest interest. We also want to be able to communicate with those who download to inform about things related to the area to be able to provide the best possible offer and support as this is SIQ's main mission.

Communication and marketing

SIQ may use your personal data to communicate about or market things that are relevant in our field of activity and that we consider may be of interest to you. This could be, for example, similar services or customer satisfaction surveys. But it can also be communication for the purpose of improving and developing the services/products we provide to you and other customers. Material from our events, such as photos and/or films, is used in communication and information material about the event and SIQ's activities.

Where do we process your personal data?

All personal data is processed in Sweden with the exception of occasions when you participate in one of our events in another country, e.g. a study trip or conference.


SIQ process personal data in a secure manner. The people who have access to the data are trained in the laws that apply to personal data. Your personal data is protected against both intrusion and destruction of the data.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data as long as it is needed to perform our obligations towards you based on agreements/contracts or similar or as long as required by statutory retention periods. When we save your data for other purposes, we save it for as long as there is a legitimate interest. This applies, for example, to former examiners who want to continue to be part of the examiner network after completing an assignment.

Who might we share your information with?

SIQ may share your personal data with suppliers or
subcontractors to carry out our commitments to you. It may be a printing company to print table placements, a hotel/course centre, another organization to receive you in connection with a study visit, open house, conference or training. It can also be a logistics or transport company to deliver goods to you.

What do we not do with your personal data?

We will not provide, or sell your personal data to third parties unless we have your permission or desire to do so.

Your rights of access, rectification and erasure

  • Right to access your data; you can request a copy of the data we hold about you.
  • Right to rectification; you have the right to correct inaccurate or incomplete information about yourself.
  • Right to be erased; You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data unless the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. In some cases, there may also be legal obligations that prevent us from immediately erasing parts of your data. These obligations arise, for example, from accounting and tax legislation.

SIQ will update this policy at regular intervals and recommends that all our customers and users read the policy from time to time to take note of the news and changes made since the last update.

How to contact SIQ regarding this policy

It is essential for SIQ to know what our customers and users think about our service and our policy. Customers who have questions, comments or complaints about this policy are welcome to contact us at: siq@

Data Protection Officer

SIQ has appointed a so-called personal data officer whose task is to ensure that SIQ's processing of personal data is correct and in accordance with applicable rules.