Develop yourself with us

At SIQ Academy you will learn more about the five success factors and the three cornerstones of the SIQ Management Model. We offer courses, webinars, workshops and experience exchange as well as on-site counseling in your business for those who want to improve!

Our training courses

SIQ supports organizations to succeed through quality work. We offer expert advice and training, focusing on management and governance in a turbulent world, supported by models of excellence. SIQ supports businesses with strategic advice and practical guidance to achieve significant performance improvements. Management seminars are included as part of the initial membership of the SIQ Intressentförening, providing an understanding of the values and practices that underpin effective business.

The SIQ Academy includes open courses, customized training and on-site consultancy to help you sharpen your quality and leadership skills. The platform on which we stand is based on the latest research results spiced with experiences from successful organizations.

SIQ Academy focuses on skills development for individuals and groups and provides advice based on the SIQ Management Model and the five success factors.

Trainings, workshops and lectures

Here you will find both open courses such as Course in leading and developing based on SIQ Management model, or Course in Change-driven process management, and open lectures on how to work with SIQ Success insight and other concrete tools. Trainings are given both digitally at a distance, to increase accessibility and dissemination, and in a physical conference environment when possible, to achieve a closer dialog and exchange of experience between participants. SIQ collaborates with a competent group of partners, so that our range can be offered with good quality to many more people both in time and space. Members of SIQ Intressentförening have consistently lower fees for participation.

Advice - dialog and concrete tips!

Based on your unique issue and your organization's unique needs, we offer advice and knowledge that concretely contributes to the organization's development towards sustainable success. Advice can be management seminars, counseling sessions, courses, or support based on various self-assessment products such as SIQ Success Insight, SIQ Contrast, SIQ Management Index or SIQ Quality Culture Index, to name a few. Advice can be given on site, if possible.

SIQ Alumni - for experienced examiners

SIQ Alumni is a meeting and development platform for examiners to jointly increase knowledge and craftsmanship around SIQ Management Model and Sustainable Success.

Conferences and events

Sometimes we can be inspired by the big picture, listening to people with broad experience or new knowledge. SIQ organizes annual conferences and events, as well as participating in important industry events.