The holidays are over and many of us are making late summer promises for the start of everyday life. Now we need to eat more healthily, start exercising regularly and - last but not least - get to bed on time in the evening! Do you recognize yourself?
We all know what factors lead to a healthy life: proper diet, exercise and sleep. Those are the basics. And even though we all know what it takes to live healthily, we fall short and need to periodically remind ourselves to get back into a healthy routine. This is why gyms are usually flooded with new members in January and September.
The same applies to what creates successful businesses. Here there are not three, but five factors that we need to keep track of: creating value with customers and stakeholders, involving motivated employees, leading for sustainability, developing value-creating processes and constantly working on improvements and innovations.
Here we face two difficulties. The management of all organizations may not even know the five success factors. Feel free to tell them that they are the way to success for all types of businesses.
Just like with health, the 'how' (dietary choices, type of exercise, sleep patterns) can look a little different, even when it comes to the success factors.
Then it's just like the road to health. You need to keep on the ball and focus on the right things again and again and again. And just like with health, the "how" (dietary choices, type of exercise, sleep patterns) can look a bit different, even when it comes to the success factors.
We at SIQ have taken a firm grip on all these factors during the year and feel - despite the very harsh times that prevail - that we are really working in the right direction with our business. This gives a lot back to us as employees (see success factor no. 3)!
In which areas do you need to step up at work this fall?
With kind regards,