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Five questions with Marcus Wågström - new SIQ Examiner!


This year's examiner training is now complete. Marcus Wågström, Head of Unit at the Urban Planning Department of Uppsala Municipality, is one of the 25 people who completed the training, which ran from November to February. We asked him five quick questions to find out how the new knowledge will be used.

Congratulations on a successful SIQ Examiner training, how does it feel?

It feels good to be through what has been an intense and fun course. I have learned a lot during the training and now have the immediate opportunity to use my in-depth knowledge in a real evaluation assignment.

What were the main insights/new knowledge you gained?

Above all, I learned how an organization can practically use the SIQ Management Model to support its business development. The model becomes a tool to systematize the work to ensure that there is a common thread from customer needs to the results that the organization produces.

When did you decide to take this course?

Uppsala municipality is a member of SIQ and the model is applied to various extents in the municipality's operations today. As a member, the municipality also has access to a number of training places that are included in the membership fee. After participating in a couple of internal trainings of the model, I was asked in the spring of 2023 if I was interested in attending SIQ Examiner training in the fall, which I felt ready to do.

For whom do you think this training is suitable?

I think the training is suitable for anyone who in some way works with business and quality development and wants to deepen their knowledge in the application of SIQ Management model in practice.

Other reflections to share?

It has been a challenging training where the focus of the training has been on learning through actual application of the model which I appreciated. By working with a real-life case, those of us who participated in the training have been able to test the meaning of the criteria in the SIQ Management Model to determine whether the organization we evaluated through its described working methods could be considered to live up to the requirements of the model. It also gave us many thoughts and ideas about how we currently work with organizational development in Uppsala municipality and what we need to work on further.

Marcus Wågström, Head of Unit, Land and Development, Business Support, Urban Development Administration, Uppsala Municipality.

Read more on SIQ Examiner training