Benefit from world-leading quality research

We are a research institute that conducts research on quality and leadership issues, in collaboration with Swedish universities and other organizations, especially SIQ's members. This is the basis for our activities.

Research and development

We are a research institute that conducts research on quality and leadership issues, in collaboration with Swedish universities and other organizations, especially SIQ's members. This means that we take an active part in and a leading role in research on how companies and organizations achieve sustainable success. This is the basis for our activities.

Research on sustainable success

Swedish higher education institutions have a world-leading position in quality research, but the research is scattered across different institutions and is not easy to grasp. Therefore, the Swedish Quality Management Academy, SQMA, was started on the initiative of SIQ in 2012 and has since then been working closely with quality research in Sweden.

SIQ and SQMA have developed a research agenda for the future of quality development, showing the areas in which there is the greatest need for research.

Need for research and development of new knowledge about...

Anders Fundin

Research leader

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