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New study released - On organizations' main challenges


Organizations' main challenges - a study with a 10-year horizon focusing on the inner life of the organization and the need for development. Anders Fundin, research leader SIQ presents the study which is a collaboration with SQMA, Swedish Quality Management Academy.

The Management Academy has conducted two national Delphi studies since 2012 to understand the main challenges facing organizations. These studies, with the help of qualified representatives from different sectors, have helped to create a comprehensive understanding of the main challenges facing organizations in the short and long term.

The results have not only been a source of reflection but have also led to research projects and the development of new knowledge that benefits both organizations and professionals. Since the 2018 study, organizations are facing new challenges due to rapid societal changes, including the pandemic. Therefore, a new study has been initiated to identify current challenges. The results are based on 285 responses with representatives from both private and public organizations and civil society.

Participants in the study have, through the three-step Delphi methodology, selected and prioritized challenges, with six new challenges identified, three of which were included in the top ten challenges: 1) Addressing short-term and long-term skills supply, 2) Integrating AI into operations, and 3) Developing an organizational culture that supports learning and development.

In the overall list of ranked challenges, the previous challenges also remain among the top five challenges: 1) Making systematic quality work a management issue, 2) Understanding the needs and expectations of our customers and stakeholders, and 3) Designing effective management processes.

In this year's study, we also analyze the differences between private and public activities. There are differences in the prioritization of the challenges, but also similarities. Meeting short-term and long-term skills needs is a difficult challenge in both the private and public sectors. The new challenge of developing an organizational culture that supports learning and development is also prioritized among the top ten in both sectors. In the study, we also see that the need to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly apparent. Integrating AI into business is prioritized in the private sector among the top five challenges. In the public sector, the challenge is ranked 12th.

The report presents a more in-depth analysis on several differences with regard to main challenges over the next 10 years.

See the presentation of the study in the video below. 


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