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SIQ Organizational Culture Index


SIQ is now developing customized measurements of organizational culture based on the values specific to your business. In collaboration, we are developing a customized measurement tool with a battery of questions that can be reused in your organization to strengthen the culture.

We are looking for organizations that want to strengthen their organizational culture

Leading and managing towards sustainable success by measuring your organizational culture


SQMA - Swedish Quality Management Academy conducts research in co-production with organizations in the private and public sector on behaviors that drive or hinder a desired culture. Based on the research, a generic measurement tool has been developed to measure a culture that leads to sustainable success. The measurement tool is digital and SIQ has today conducted about 50 measurements in organizations in business and the public sector. With the support of the measurement tool, it is now possible to adapt the measurement based on your organization's own values.

Research shows that employees with good conditions to perform and develop their tasks feel better and create more value for customers and stakeholders. Developing and strengthening culture requires an organization to have knowledge of the behaviours that support - but also hinder - the organization's values. Above all, the crucial knowledge is to understand how the values are expressed in practice. An organization with a strong organizational culture is better able to cope with the rapid pace of change in society, difficult crisis situations and difficult economic conditions. An important prerequisite is therefore to be able to measure organizational culture over time, where trend measurements can provide the organization with valuable support in its own value-based work.

Purpose, objectives and benefits

The purpose of the project is to develop, test and evaluate a way of measuring organizational culture that is designed and adapted to the organization's defined values in combination with the values that provide the basis for a quality culture. The project aims to enable an organization's own values to be expressed as behaviours in practice and to measure and evaluate them. After a measurement and evaluation, the organization will receive a current situation analysis as a decision support for priorities in an organizational development work. In this, the emphasis is on increasing the insight into what strengthens behaviors that support the development of an organizational culture, but also the insight into behaviors that need to be removed as they hinder the development of an organizational culture. The project is aimed at organizations that want to develop organizational culture activities through mutual learning with researchers in SQMA.


The project will run Q1 2022 - Q1 2023 with participating organizations and SQMA researchers with a focus on developing a new measurement of organizational culture based on the organization's own values. Subsequently, tests with measurements in participating organizations are planned to validate that the new measurement tool works in practice. The time commitment for a participating organization is estimated at three workshops before a measurement and then with two follow-up workshops. The project is aimed at those who have a work role and an interest in developing your organizational culture. At least two people from each organization should be represented throughout the project. The work is led and facilitated by SIQ with the support of SQMA and SKI (Swedish Quality Index). SIQ is responsible for planning and implementation, including measurements and review of the results of the measurements. The project includes planning, monitoring, literature studies, facilitation and follow-up of workshops, development of measurements, and review of reports from measurements.

Participation fee for taking part in the research project:

  • Businesses that are members of SIQ Excellence Center: 120 000 SEK
  • Organizations that are members of SIQ Intressentförening: 140 000 SEK
  • Activities that are not members of SIQ Intressentförening: 180 000 SEK

We look forward to receiving your expression of interest. For more information, please contact Anders Fundin, Research Manager at SIQ - Institute for Quality Development.

E-mail:, mobile: 0730 32 99 44.
