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SIQ research with Linköping University launches new course in change-driven process management


This fall, a doctoral course is offered at Linköping University in Change Driven Process Management (CDPM). The purpose of the course is to give Sweden's doctoral students the chance to immerse themselves and contribute to theoretical development in the field of change-driven process management within the framework of their doctoral education.

Change management has been identified as a priority area by the private and public sector together with SIQ, the Institute for Quality Development, but is relatively unexplored.

- The fact that change management has been identified as a key success factor in both the private and public sectors makes it important to continue exploring the area. The next step is to take the research further together with our members, research networks and other partners, says Anders Fundin, research leader at SIQ.

There is great interest in this type of research around the world. The results from the research conducted in change-driven process management under the auspices of SIQ, and which forms the basis for the new PhD course, will be presented by SIQ and Linköping University at the annual EUROMA conference in Berlin.

- The idea is to contribute new knowledge about process management in relation to the changing society we live in with the challenge of balancing economic, social and ecological sustainability. With the new research, we therefore want to strengthen the ability to lead and steer businesses towards sustainable success with the need for adaptability and speed of change, says Anders.