SIQ research project

New knowledge is a key driver for SIQ. In recent years, we have conducted research on the main challenges facing organizations in the next five years, quality culture, procurement of elderly care, and a simplified management model for micro-enterprises, among others.

More information

Please contact our research manager Anders Fundin if you have questions about our research projects or are interested in a collaboration!

Anders Fundin

Research leader

Research & SQMA

A Model for Change Driven Process Management

The business environment and requirements on organizations are changing and increase complexity in a progressively high pace which challenge traditional process management. To manage the new situations, many organizations embrace networking and delegation & empowerment with purpose & principles driven management. In parallel, there are continuous external demands for more firm control from regulators and business partners.

Research & SQMA

SIQ Organizational Culture Index

SIQ is now developing customized measurements of organizational culture based on the values specific to your business. In collaboration, we are developing a customized measurement tool with a battery of questions that can be reused in your organization to strengthen the culture.

Research & SQMA

Innocities - smart and sustainable community development

The transition work to achieve the 2030 Agenda requires a high degree of social innovation and collaboration in order to implement the necessary systemic transformations, not least in municipalities and other publicly owned businesses.

Research & SQMA

Quality and partnership

For several years, SQMA and SIQ have been conducting a research project in which we have studied in a case study how the procurement of elderly care could be improved by using quality models.

Research & SQMA

Does SIQ Management Index simplify quality work for management teams?

In a new study, a research team consisting of Kristen M. Snyder, Henrik Eriksson and Hendry Raharjo investigated whether SIQ Management Index supports the effectiveness of management teams.

Research & SQMA

SIQ develops management model for micro enterprises

SIQ has been granted approximately SEK 1.5 million by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth for the development of a new Swedish management model for microenterprises - a rural initiative for increased competitiveness in Sweden's business community through digitization.

Research & SQMA

Key challenges for organizations - a five-year study

Whatever the prevailing societal trends, they often involve some form of transition or focus area with varying time horizons. So what are the main challenges facing companies and organizations in Sweden in the coming years?

Research & SQMA

The strategic development role of the quality function provides direction for skills development

The perception of quality has changed dramatically in recent decades, from quality control and quality assurance to customer focus and business improvement in a strategic direction with a focus on sustainable development. As the perception and concept of quality itself changes, so does the role of the quality manager. It is not a given that this change goes hand in hand.